صحة - رشاقة - جمال

رئيس مجلس الادارة ورئيس التحرير
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Five tips to care for your hair

خمسة نصائح للعناية بشعرك.

1. Comb the hair: It is preferable to comb the hair daily to distribute natural oils and avoid tangles1.
2. Wash hair: How often hair is washed depends on its type. Dry hair needs to be washed every two or three days, while oily hair is washed daily1.
3. Apply conditioner: Use a moisturizing conditioner and apply from the roots of the hair to the ends. For fine and oily hair, use a mild conditioner and avoid applying it to the roots1.
4. Avoid over-producting: Use hair products with caution and avoid over-producting. Protect your hair from heat stylers1.

5. Massage the scalp: Use warm olive oil to massage the scalp before bathing2.

Reminder: Good hair care helps maintain its health and beauty

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